Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter 11 - Developing and Managing Products

Natural and organic products are rapidly growing. So therefore, its only right that Whole Foods meet the demands. The natural foods market is saturated with products. To get your product on a shelf at Whole Foods you must meet specific guidelines. Whole Foods Market purchases products for retail sale from local, regional, and international wholesale suppliers and vendors. The company makes sure their products do not carry chemicals such as artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, and many others as listed on their online "Unacceptable Food Ingredients" list.  The Whole Foods Market website details the company's criteria for selling food, dietary supplements, and personal care products. According to CNN, the extent of Whole Foods Market's nutritional screening is it "doesn't carry any food containing trans fats or artificial coloring." In June 2011, even products that were not food started to switch over to the organic side. 


Monday, November 19, 2012

Chapter 16 -Integrated Marketing Communications

In today's society, advertising is being taken to the next level. This is the case for Whole Foods Market.

In ways of, in print, broadcast and online. Whole Foods Market is able to communitcate and stay connected with their followers or buyers. The fact, the we have Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and more.

Yet, Whole Foods Market does simplify and modest their brand just by their promotional sales through the store every so often. The Internet, thier magazines, and social networks are the main factors of the Promotional Mix for the company.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 10: Products Concept

   The natural foods market is saturated with products. Especially, Whole Foods Market. Whole Foods cares about their products ingredients. If they don’t like what’s in your product, they won’t sell it. Buyers now a days do a lot of their research online.Buyers want products that sell and they want to know what you intend to do to make sure your product will.
    Their labels  need to be designed to meet FDA or USDA specifications. Whole Foods, the natural-foods giant that has more than 270 locations around the country.   Whole Foods makes a effort to support local vendors. They have a well established “Local Producers” loan program and a designated position at store level called “Food Forager.” The person is responsible for identifying local products.